Ostrava, katedrála Božského Spasitele / OTEVŘENÉ CHRÁMY, Moravská Ostrava Back
The Cathedral of the Holy Saviour in Ostrava is the main church of the diocese of Ostrava and Opava. It can be found in Moravská Ostrava in the middle of Msgre (Monsignor) Šrámek’s Square. It was built during the years of 1883–1889 in the Neo-renaissance style, based on the plans of Gustav Meretta. The construction was lead by Clemens Hladisch, an architect from Ostrava, and the decorations of the interior were designed by Max von Ferstel. It was consecrated by the archbishop of Olomouc, Theodor Kohn, on the 16th of July 1889. It became a cathedral when the diocese of Ostrava and Opava was established, which happened on the 30th of May 1996. When thinking about the future image of the church, its author Gustav Meretta was inspired by the papal basilica Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome.
The building of the cathedral is a three-aisled basicilica, ending with a half-round apse. The main aisle is 14 metres wide and 22 metres high, the lateral aisles are 7 metres wide and 10 metres high. The overall length of the building is 68 metres. Above the cathedral there are two symmetrical frontal towers that are 67 metres high. Up to 4000 people can be inside the cathedral at any one time. In the upper part of the lateral aisles, a ledge consisting of three parts can be found, held by twelve independently standing columns in the Ionic style made of sandstone. The vault of the main aisle is divided by pilasters in the Corinthian style.
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