Tábor-Klokoty, kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie
Holy Masses
A little castle and a small church used to stand in Klokoty as early as in the 13th century. A legend has it that at that time Madonna, taking the look of a beautiful girl, appeared to small shepherd boys and subsequently to other local people; she taught them about God and then was raised to the heaven by angels before their very eyes. This event was painted by an unknown painter from Sezimovo Ústí and local people built a little chapel in which they placed the painting. The chapel was damaged during the Hussite wars, but the legend has it that the original painting remained untouched. Towards the end of the 17th century, the Order of Benedictines of Montseratt launched a large-scale renovation which resulted in the current look of the site. The complex which nowadays belongs to the jewels of European Baroque style was thus completed in 1734. The altar picture of Our Lady is the central point of the pilgrimage site. Its early-Baroque look comes from 1635 from the studio of a Prague painter Johann Andreas Burger. In 1743, the picture was fixed to a silver altar made by a jeweller František Seitz. The church premises are surrounded with octagonal chapels in the corners. Each of the towels has its own bell and their sound forms an inseparable background of the site. The complex also includes an outdoor Way of the Cross and Chapel Dobrá voda, the place of the original apparition of the Virgin Mary with a spring. In 2018, this place of pilgrimage was included among the national cultural monuments. The place has been from the very beginning connected with pilgrimages to the Virgin Mary, the main pilgrimage always takes place the Saturday nearest to the Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (15th August). Since 1994, the place has been administered by the Missionaries of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate.
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