Brno-Tuřany, kostel Zvěstování Panny Marie
Holy Masses
Tuřany is one of the oldest pilgrim places in Moravia. According to a legend, the history of the place started in the 9th century, during the mission of St. Cyril and St. Method. The legend says that these two brothers brought a wooden statuette of Madonna to Moravia. When the Great Moravian Empire was destroyed, pious people hid the statuette in a forest, because they wanted to protect it. A poor farmer Horák found the statuette in thorny bushes there. It was around the year 1050. Nowadays, the Revelation Chapel stands at that place. The statuette of Madonna is placed in the pilgrim church. This statuette is called by many names. The name “Madonna in thorns” refers to the legendary finding. The name “Tuřanská Madonna” highlights a connection of the legend with the Church of Annunciation. The legend says, it was St. Mary´s desire, to build a pilgrim church there (against the will of her finder). The name “St. Mary, the Mother of God from Tuřany” reminds that St. Mary is the mother of the Saviour. Baby Jesus sitting on her lap has got the attributes of spiritual power – royal crown and golden apple. The most famous name got the statuette from Bohuslav Balbín, the Jesuit writer. He called St. Mary “Diva Turzanensis” in his book from 1658. The book describes the history of the pilgrim place in Tuřany. The legend about finding of the statuette in thorns is there too.
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