Uherský Brod, klášterní kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie
Holy Masses
Monastery Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
The monastery was founded in 1262 by King Andrew II. or Přemysl Otakar II. It was built at the Pilgrimage Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary from the 11th century. The icon of the Mother of God, which King Andrew II had received from the Byzantine emperor, was kept in the monastery. The painting of the Virgin Mary currently located in the monastery church is a copy of the original painting, which was probably the famous painting of Czestochowa. The monastery had a rather turbulent history. After 1990, the Dominicans came again to this place and gradually restored it to its former glory. In 1997, the merciful image received new crowns consecrated by Pope John Paul II who at the same time issued a bull giving the privilege of receiving indulgences to the pilgrims who visit the temple on the 1st Sunday in May.
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