Týnec, poutní kostel Stětí sv. Jana Křtitele - pouť k Panně Marii Pomocnici
Holy Masses
The original church of the Beheading of John the Baptist used to stand in the vineyards behind the village Týnec, but it was abandoned. A new church of the same dedication was built in the centre of the village. Today´s church is from 1792. It is a single-nave building with a square tower. The main altar is decorated with a revered picture of the Virgin Mary Help of Christians. It puts emphasis on the Virgin Mary´s motherhood. The picture is decorated with gilded crowns. According to the legend, many people were healed when they asked Virgin Mary for help there. Processions of pilgrims even from far villages and from abroad came there. The pilgrimage tradition is still alive there nowadays and pilgrims still come to pray in front of the picture and to worship the Virgin Mary.
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